Annual Banquet  October 20, 2005

Connecticut Harbor Management Association

Annual Banquet   October 20, 2005

President Joel Severance

- Welcome and Opening Remarks. This is the 10th anniversary of the Connecticut Harbor Management Association. There are now 19 Commissions (Fenwick is the latest) with 10 more in progress.  

- Introduction of head table, guests, and VIPs in the audience.

- Remarks – “A Decade of Progress – More to Come”.

Currently working on:

1.      Revising the allocation of boat registration fees back to the Towns.

2.      Review of all permit applications by Harbor Management Commissions.

3.      A process to evaluate dock permit applications.

Past activities:

1.      New Haven to Long Island electrical transmission cable.

2.      Harbormaster training, legislation and other issues.

3.      Attendance and participation in meetings of various groups with similar concerns and interests.


Geoff Steadman

1. Geoff summarized status of dredging in Long Island Sound.

The CHMA Dredging Task Force is working to improve the process.


2. President Severance introduced Chuck Beck from the DOT. He is a manager of the Connecticut Maritime Commission.


John Pinto - Presentation of a Special Achievement Award to Milford for work done on their waterfront, including public access. The award was accepted by Gary Montano, Milford Harbor Management Commission.


Remarks by DEP Commissioner Ms. Gina McCarthy

       Environmental Issues and Long Island Sound

Connecticut people understand the need to keep Long Island Sound healthy. Thank you to all for doing what you do.

Recognize that Harbor Management and the DEP do not always have the same goals.


1. Industrialization of the Sound, i.e. Islander East, Broadwater, water quality affected by nitrate loading

2. Dredging

3. Dock permits. The application process is being changed.


Working together on:

 1. No Discharge Zones

 2. Clean Marina Program

 3. Boating Infrastructure grants



Louis Allyn, Secretary